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Clinic Policies

Central Park Medical Clinic and its staff are committed to providing quality and comprehensive medical care.  The policies below outline how our patients and their families can help us achieve our goal.


Please read the following carefully.


1.   Documentation Requirements:


All patients shall present a valid health card at ALL medical visits.  No valid health card at the time of the visit, results in a missed appointment, and may be subject to a fee.


2.  Patient Appointments:


Appointment slots are allocated to ONE patient. Please schedule additional appointments if you have more than one child that needs to see the doctor.



3.  Late/No-show/Cancellations:


We require that patients:

-  arrive on time

-  ensure we have accurate contact information, including an email address.

-  are responsible to remember their appointment. Email reminders of upcoming appointments will be sent. We don’t always do reminder calls.

All appointments must be confirmed or cancelled by phone/email at least 24 business hours in advance of the appointment date, otherwise will be cancelled at the discretion of staff.


If you are not able to attend an appointment, please be respectful to other patients and call to cancel promptly. Cancelled appointment slots will be used for sick calls, same day appointments requests, on a first-come first-serve bases, prioritizing emergencies, by calling our clinic preferably between 8 and 9 AM .


Missed appointment times, no shows, or late cancellation will be subject to a fee.

Repeatedly missing appointments/no-shows impairs the doctor’s ability to provide adequate patient care.  This may result in termination of the patient from the practice.


4. Uninsured Services:


Not all medical services are insured by OHIP (e. g. forms, travel advice). We will inform patients in advance of the charges for the service.  The clinic accepts several forms of payment - cash, cheque, electronic payments.


5. Clinic Environment:


We are committed to creating a comfortable and respectful environment for patients, parents, staff, and doctors.  Zero tolerance policy for any harassment or abuse or hostile behaviour toward staff, nurses, doctors, other patients or their families by email, in person or via phone. This behaviour is grounds for dismissal from the practice.


No audio/video recording is permitted without both doctors and patient’s permission.


We will not be communicating medical information via phone. Results/advice will be provided during regular doctor clinic hours via booked appointments.


We appreciate your collaboration,


Central Park Medical Clinic Staff.

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